Female Balance Botanical Iced Tea

Embrace the essence of female well-being with our soothing Botanical Iced Tea. Crafted from a blend of herbs including chamomile, licorice and sage that naturally support hormonal balance and nettle leaf that nurtures overall vitality.
Female Balance Botanical Iced Tea

In the dance of life's rhythms, maintaining balance is key, especially when it comes to female health.

The Planet Organic Female Balance tea blend is a symphony of herbs known for their harmonising effects on women's wellness.

This cold drink recipe is not just a refreshing escape from the heat but a nurturing elixir designed to support the intricate tapestry of female health.

The blend has sweetness of licorice root, sage, nettle leaf, the calm of chamomile flowers, and the zest of lemongrass.

Let this Soothing Herbal Harmony Iced Tea be your daily ritual to refresh, rebalance, and reconnect with your inner essence.


Female Balance Botanical Iced Tea

Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Brewing Time: 
5-10 minutes



  • 2 Planet Organic Female Balance Tea Bags
  • 2 cups boiling water
  • 1 tablespoon honey or sweetener of choice (optional)
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • Fresh mint leaves
  • Ice cubes
  • Lemon slices and edible flowers for garnish



  1. Steep the Tea: Begin by steeping the Female Balance tea bags in boiling water for up to 10 minutes. This extended time allows for a strong infusion, drawing out the full spectrum of flavours and benefits from the herbs.

  2. Enhance the Sweetness: If you prefer a hint of sweetness, dissolve your chosen sweetener into the hot tea. Honey works well as it complements the herbal notes and adds its own subtle flavour.

  3. Cool and Citrusy: Once the tea has steeped and sweetened to your liking, remove the tea bags and let the brew cool to room temperature. Then, stir in the fresh lemon juice for a citrusy lift that brightens the herbal blend.

  4. Assemble the Drink: Fill a large jug halfway with ice cubes. Pour the cooled tea over the ice, adding more ice as needed to chill the drink thoroughly.

  5. Garnish for Wellness: Add a few mint leaves to each glass for a touch of freshness. Garnish with a slice of lemon and edible flowers for an elegant and inviting presentation.

  6. Serve and Savour: Pour the iced tea into individual glasses, ensuring each one gets a share of the ice and mint leaves. Serve immediately, and offer a moment of tranquility with every glass.


Our Female Balance blend has been thoughtfully crafted to combine the nourishing properties of pure certified organic herbs, working in harmony to support female balance and promote a sense of natural clarity.


 Shop this Recipe

Female Balance Tea Bags Female Balance Tea Bags



 Learn more about our Female Balance Blend in our recent blog

Quality & Flavour

Certified Organic

Ethically Sourced

Reduced Packaging

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